WP394.ZIP (4,677K)

Uploaded Thu Jan 20 2022 13:09:11

║ █   █ ████                          ║ 
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 394         ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-01-20 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since V.389    ║
║ ∙NEW Fully automatic processing of  ║
║      nodelists from file areas      ║
║ ∙NEW Localized nodelist processing  ║
║ ∙NEW Improved editor contacts       ║
║ ∙NEW Dupe checker improvements      ║
║ ∙NEW CP850 (DOS Latin 1) support    ║
║ ∙FIX Various other improvements     ║
║ ∙CHG Redo in Editor is now Ctrl-Y   ║
║ ∙FIX Various bug fixes              ║
WP407.ZIP (4,753K)

Uploaded Tue Mar 15 2022 14:09:00

║ █   █ ████                          ║
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 407.0       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-03-14 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since 400.2    ║
║ ∙NEW IPv6 support                   ║
║ ∙NEW Compact message list layout    ║
║ ∙NEW Support for areas w/o uplink   ║
║ ∙NEW Dutch localization (partial)   ║
║ ∙NEW Localized wizards for uplinks  ║
║ ∙NEW Various minor improvements     ║
║ ∙FIX Various bug fixes              ║
WP409.ZIP (4,927K)

Uploaded Thu Aug 18 2022 16:21:33

║ █   █ ████                          ║
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 409.0       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-08-18 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since 407.0    ║
║ ∙NEW Message tree improvements      ║
║ ∙NEW Improved Re^X handling         ║
║ ∙NEW Improved text style detection  ║
║ ∙FIX "Array index out of Bounds"    ║
║ ∙FIX Default zone always set to 2   ║
║ ∙FIX Some minor bug fixes           ║
WP411.ZIP (4,905K)

Uploaded Sat Aug 20 2022 13:02:44

║ █   █ ████                          ║
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 411.0       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-08-20 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since 407.0    ║
║ ∙NEW Message tree improvements      ║
║ ∙NEW Improved Re^X handling         ║
║ ∙NEW Improved text style detection  ║
║ ∙NEW Improved HighDPI editor UI     ║
║ ∙FIX "Array index out of Bounds"    ║
║ ∙FIX Default zone always set to 2   ║
║ ∙FIX Some minor bug fixes           ║
WP413.ZIP (4,833K)

Uploaded Mon Feb 13 2023 10:34:42

║ █   █ ████                          ║
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 413.0       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2023-02-13 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since 411.0    ║
║ ∙NEW Messagelist settings per area  ║
║ ∙NEW Area managers store window pos ║
║ ∙FIX Wrong outbound used by tosser  ║
║ ∙FIX Some minor bug fixes           ║
WP415.ZIP (5,047K)

Uploaded Mon Feb 20 2023 05:09:01

║ █   █ ████                          ║
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 415.0       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2023-02-17 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since 411.0    ║
║ ∙NEW URLs im mails can be clicked   ║
║ ∙NEW Messagelist settings per area  ║
║ ∙NEW Area managers store window pos ║
║ ∙NEW Re: can be completely disabled ║
║ ∙NEW Updated UnRAR                  ║
║ ∙FIX Wrong outbound used by tosser  ║
║ ∙FIX Some minor bug fixes           ║
WP_387.ZIP (3,979K)

Uploaded Mon Jan 17 2022 07:21:35

║ █   █ ████      WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ █   █     Public Beta 7       ║
║ █   █ ████      (Version 387)       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-01-09 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since Beta 6:  ║
║ •NEW Default charset per area       ║
║ •NEW Support for CP895 Encoding     ║
║ •NEW Localized display/mnt. filter  ║
║ •NEW Localized area properties      ║
║ •NEW Improved Localization          ║
║ •NEW Improved Popup rendering       ║
║ •NEW TIC now supports "replaces"    ║
║ •NEW Various minor improvements     ║
║ •FIX Reordering Uplinks,Packers,... ║
║ •FIX Invalid msg date on non-engl.  ║
║ •FIX Bad msg colors on first start  ║
║ •FIX Crash when new msg empty area  ║
║ •FIX Some window order fixes        ║
║ •FIX Various minor bug fixes        ║
WP_389.ZIP (3,942K)

Uploaded Mon Jan 17 2022 07:22:24

║ █   █ ████                          ║ 
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 389         ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-01-10 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since V.387    ║
║ ∙NEW Editor: New Uplink selection   ║
║ ∙NEW Editor: Redo is back again     ║
║ ∙NEW Editor: Layout improvements    ║
║ ∙NEW Text groups created on install ║
║ ∙CHG Forward uses orig text group   ║
║ ∙FIX Fido Over IP config problems   ║
║ ∙FIX Editor: some editor bug fixes  ║
║ ∙FIX Some minor bug fixes           ║
WP_400_2.ZIP (4,737K)

Uploaded Sun Feb 27 2022 02:04:12

║ █   █ ████                          ║
║ █   █ █   █     WinPoint            ║
║ █   █ ████      Version 400.2       ║
║ █ █ █ █                             ║
║  █ █  █         Released 2022-02-22 ║
║ Complete Point Software for Windows ║
║ Most notable changes since V.398.2  ║
║ ∙NEW Improved Area Managers         ║
║ ∙NEW Localized Area Managers        ║
║ ∙NEW Support for even more charsets ║
║ ∙NEW Various minor improvements     ║
║ ∙FIX Various bug fixes              ║