From Atreyu@25:25/5 to Exodus on Sun Mar 21 00:51:49 2021
    On 20 Mar 21 22:53:06, Exodus said the following to Atreyu:

    countdown timer to it. I added some color. The default timer is now 30 seconds. I am debating on leaving it that way instead of allowing it to be

    One day... I shall be a super hacker like you.

    You only wish! You and your SSH BBSing!

    LOL. That super hacker Neo in the hooded sweater and sunglasses is just waiting in that coffee shop to snoop on your BBS traffic.

    But can I pay the ransomware with Tradewars credits?


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (25:25/5)