That last one was morse code of course. I was thinking of doing a different code or puzzle each week for a while. That might liven it up.
I wonder if there's a morse decoder ring? "It's morse, just morse." Oh that's a different morse isn't it? Also called Inspector with Lewis
right behind.
I need to get back into the PGP stuff I was playing with a while ago... will look in to this in the coming days... be good to test some encrypted stuff out
I've been toying with the idea for some time to add encryption to
Magicka, not PGP, but just ordinary key based encryption where the sender and receiver both know the key.
I've been toying with the idea for some time to add encryption to
Magicka, not PGP, but just ordinary key based encryption where the sender and receiver both know the key.
I've been toying with the idea for some time to add encryption to Magicka, not PGP, but just ordinary key based encryption where the sender and receiver both know the key.
The problem here is that there isn't much of a way to secure messages: *
uploading / copy pasting, I can't imagine how it could be built in without the sysop having access to users private keys.
I totally agree that PGP would be the more secure way to send encrypted comminucations, but apart from preparing the message offline and
uploading / copy pasting, I can't imagine how it could be built in
without the sysop having access to users private keys.
I'm not sure that you could. No matter what, the message has to travel unencrypted to the board first.
On 09/16/17, apam said the following...
I've been toying with the idea for some time to add encryption to Magicka, not PGP, but just ordinary key based encryption where the se and receiver both know the key.
This is a good place to test it. As far as not knowing if it will be
used or how, there's the now 'old' build it and they will come ;) Once
it exists people will figure out uses and such. Encryption is where
things are going, it can be used to help weed out the hackers and
cracking that is causing problems with the BBS. I'm sure ssh doesn't
have as much trouble for that very reason - encryption. I know they
can't make it in my ssh ports and it's much harder to do DDOS on them as well. Anything that's pretty automatic and can be made in to a new
I agree with comments about the irony of trying to secure comms if the poster is logged in via a telnet session. But assuming the login is a local one on a system sitting inside a home LAN then I guess that issue i negated.
As I understand it, the real issue becomes how to create a enviroment of shared trust... so how does a key get exchanged in a secure way between two parties prior to the encrypted exchanges taking place
Apam et al.. I do hope you can further bake some options in to your platforms as I'd be keen to help with the development of this
Xqtr and I did so some work playing with Mystic MPL and PGP a while ago.
I just need to find all of the work again :) But the idea was to use the full screen editor and then have the output run through PGP then posted t the echomail area encrypted. It worked to a point but the shared key
thing was not flying as it should - does that sound right Xqtr
apam wrote to Avon <=-
As Nu said copy/pasting PGP encrypted texts is the best solution, I
think the most ideal would be an offline reader with a PGP plugin.
As Nu said copy/pasting PGP encrypted texts is the best solution, I think the most ideal would be an offline reader with a PGP plugin.
I recall Nu in your TODO you were looking at mesh networking and had the end to end security of communications in mind also?
I've been toying with the idea for some time to add encryption to
Magicka, not PGP, but just ordinary key based encryption where the
sender and receiver both know the key.
Might be fun, but I don't know that it would be much use.
Yeah, my thinking was it would be entered into the FSE then you enter
a password and it's encrypted and saved to the message base.
The private key could be part of the BBS information. Only those with
a private key could use the encryption, but it could be added at any
As Nu said copy/pasting PGP encrypted texts is the best solution,If I use Eudora, I have Enigmail configured (that's why I export this
I think the most ideal would be an offline reader with a PGP
echo as a mailing list to myself), and it's pretty transparent. I
used to have a PGP encryption system in my old Bluewave setup that
worked in a similar way to Enigmail. It was activated through the external editor hook, and ran before and after the editor was called.
Was quite neat. :)
Why not GPG/PGP? They already exist, have been peer reviewed security
wise and have key distribution in place. What do you gain by inventing th wheel again (just worse). (Read Phil Zimmermanns comments about his first try, and then reading it as an
I do not really see the usecase. Regarding one of the follow up replies,
I am shocked that anybody uses telnet any more in 2017 ... As long as tha is the case, forget encryption and work on eradicating that failure of history
THAT can be done also with PGP. It supports a symmetric mode, where you can enter a password, and it will encrypt the file/text. The receiver can decrypt it with the same password
I didn't plan on 'reinventing the wheel' just using a key based algorithm instead of PGP. The reason for not using PGP is the users key would have to be stored on the BBS, and the sysop would have access to them, regardless of how buggy modern bbses are, this is a problem.
I (think) what he was saying is rolling your own crypto is generally considere
a no-no unless you're a crypto expert. And rightfully so: Creating
secure crypto is very hard, so it's better to use a well used and trusted system 99.9
of the time.
*Any* crypto in a BBS that doesn't rely on you pasting/uploading pre-encrypte
data is going to suffer from the two problems I described previously: Trust (you can't!) and plain-text travel
Richard Menedetter wrote to Vk3jed <=-
If I use Eudora, I have Enigmail configured (that's why I export this
echo as a mailing list to myself), and it's pretty transparent. I
used to have a PGP encryption system in my old Bluewave setup that
worked in a similar way to Enigmail. It was activated through the external editor hook, and ran before and after the editor was called.
Was quite neat. :)
Same can be done with Golded.
Sadly I was still to lazy to recover my GPG key from the old HDD.
THAT can be done also with PGP. It supports a symmetric mode,You do realize PGP isn't an encryption algorithm, but a frontend that
where you can enter a password, and it will encrypt the file/text.
The receiver can decrypt it with the same password
uses them? What is there to gain from using PGP than using another crypto-library directly.
I have my system on a virtual hard disk, the problem is in getting VirtualBox to mount the image. As soon as I attempt to add a second
drive to the OS/2 VM, VirtualBox crashes. :(
THAT can be done also with PGP. It supports a symmetric mode, where yo can enter a password, and it will encrypt the file/text. The receiver decrypt it with the same password
You do realize PGP isn't an encryption algorithm, but a frontend that
uses them? What is there to gain from using PGP than using another crypto-library directly.
VirtualBox to mount the image. As soon as I attempt to add a second
drive to the OS/2 VM, VirtualBox crashes. :(
A shot in the dark.
I think some VirtualBox containers can be read by VMWare ...
You can try if VMWare can open it.
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