• Проверка UNICODE сообщений в пакете Golden Poin

    From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to All on Mon Nov 2 20:52:58 2020
    Добрый день,

    Я около года назад начал разрабатывать пакет Golden Point 🔥 💣 💥 🧨

    Он поддерживает основную русскую кодировку CP866 и сегодня я тестирую UTF-8

    Основное его конкурентное преимущество в том, что его очень просто установить 📈

    Хотя многие критикуют его за не очень строгое следование стандартам 🥱,
    но я работаю над лучшим соответствием и актуализацией кода, а пока
    предлагаю проводить его активное тестирование в конференции RU.GOLDEN.

    Если удалось прочитать то сообщение, то напишите в ответ ✌

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: К друзьям и в несчастье будь неизменен (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Vitold Sedyshev on Mon Nov 2 18:39:17 2020
    Hello Vitold Sedyshev!

    02 Nov 20 20:52:58, Vitold Sedyshev wrote to All:

    Если удалось прочитать то сообщение, то напишите в ответ ✌

    I could read it with the help of Google translate. The UTF-8 encoding seems to be fine.

    Keep up the good work!


    --- goAtEd-windows/386 1.0.5-154-a1826692
    * Origin: (2:280/5555)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Michiel van der Vlist on Mon Nov 2 23:12:21 2020
    Если удалось прочитать то сообщение, то напишите в ответ ✌

    I could read it with the help of Google translate. The UTF-8
    encoding seems to be fine.
    Keep up the good work!

    Thanks, Michiel.

    I invite you to meet with GoldenPoint on https://github.com/vit1251/golden

    If you have any aditional question please don't hesitate to ask me.


    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Друзья - воры времени (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042.3 to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 3 09:20:00 2020
    Hello Vitold Sedyshev!

    02 Nov 20 20:52:58, Vitold Sedyshev wrote to All:

    Добрый день,

    Я около года назад начал разрабатывать пакет Golden Point 🔥 💣 💥 🧨

    Он поддерживает основную русскую кодировку CP866 и сегодня я тестирую UTF-8

    Основное его конкурентное преимущество в том, что его очень просто установить 📈

    Хотя многие критикуют его за не очень строгое следование стандартам 🥱,
    но я работаю над лучшим соответствием и актуализацией кода, а пока
    предлагаю проводить его активное тестирование в конференции RU.GOLDEN.

    Если удалось прочитать то сообщение, то напишите в ответ ✌

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: К друзьям и в несчастье будь неизменен (2:5030/1081.102)

    Нормально. Значки, которые ты вставил в текст, тоже видны.


    --- gossipEd-linux/amd64 .0.21-18496a58
    * Origin: Пожилой фидошник (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Michael Dukelsky on Tue Nov 3 16:32:44 2020

    Если удалось прочитать то сообщение, то напишите в ответ ✌

    Нормально. Значки, которые ты вставил в текст, тоже видны.

    Отлично. А какие еще есть UTF-8 совместимые хоконференции?
    Excellent. What other UTF-8 compliant echo conferences are there?

    Можете посоветовать группы вроде FIDONET.CHAINIK? Could you please suggest me group like "FidoNet for Dummies"?

    Где можно почитать о русскоговорящих и англоговорящих конференциях в ФидоНет?
    Where I can read more about Russian and English speaks conferencies in FidoNet?

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042.3 to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 3 15:07:28 2020
    Hello Vitold Sedyshev!

    03 Nov 20 16:32:44, Vitold Sedyshev wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    Отлично. А какие еще есть UTF-8 совместимые хоконференции?

    utf8.ftn.messaging. К сожалению, других нет.

    Можете посоветовать группы вроде FIDONET.CHAINIK?
    Could you please suggest me group like "FidoNet for Dummies"?

    SU.CHAINIK - то ха для чайников в FTN. Слово "группы" относится к NNTP и в фидо не используется.

    Где можно почитать о русскоговорящих и англоговорящих конференциях в ФидоНет?
    Where I can read more about Russian and English speaks conferencies in FidoNet?

    Этого вопроса я не понял. Что конкретно тебя интересует?


    --- gossipEd-linux/amd64 .0.21-18496a58
    * Origin: Пожилой фидошник (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Michael Dukelsky on Tue Nov 3 21:57:16 2020

    utf8.ftn.messaging. К сожалению, других нет.

    Я думаю, что если будут нтузиасты желающие модерировать UTF-8 группы,
    то они скоро появятся. Я свой небольшой вклад в поддержку UTF-8 уже

    SU.CHAINIK - то ха для чайников в FTN. Слово "группы" относится к NNTP и в фидо не используется.

    В данном случае слово группа то более широкий термин и он может обозначать:

    1. новостную группу NNTP (newsgroup)
    2. конференцию EchoMail ("Conference Mail")
    3. группа Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/help/1629740080681586)
    4. и т.д.

    Так что и протокол NNTP к слову группа не имеет отношения.

    Решил ради любопытства решил уточнить в FSC-0004 какая терминология принято
    использовать в официальной документации. В документе использован термин
    "Conference Mail", а вот откуда взялся термин ха загадка?

    Предполагаю, что то сленговое название возникшее от названия первой программы
    реализующей общение в конференциях и так же группы программ поддерживающих ту
    функцию "EchoMail compatible mailer".

    Где можно почитать о русскоговорящих и англоговорящих конференциях в ФидоНет?
    Этого вопроса я не понял. Что конкретно тебя интересует?

    На сколько я понимаю пользователь FidoNet ограничен списком доступных конференций
    с линка, а есть ли где-то полный список всех существующих в мире конференций?

    Есть ли аналог желтых страниц для конференций?

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Все люди братья. Как Каин и Авель (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042.3 to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 3 19:36:12 2020
    Hello Vitold Sedyshev!

    03 Nov 20 21:57:16, Vitold Sedyshev wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    На сколько я понимаю пользователь FidoNet ограничен списком доступных конференций
    с линка, а есть ли где-то полный список всех существующих в мире конференций?

    Есть ли аналог желтых страниц для конференций?

    Такого списка нет и вряд ли он возможен, потому что существует много локальных конференций на узлах, в которые люди пишут раз в пять лет, так что они неотличимы от совсем дохлых. Я стараюсь, чтобы на моём узле были все доступные хи. У меня есть практически все русскоязычные, англоязычные, немецкоязычные и испаноязычные. Если я узнаю, что есть ха, которой у меня нет, я стараюсь на неё подписаться. Все хи, появляющиеся на моём узле 2:5020/1042, автоматически создаются на 2:5020/4441 и после того на 2:5020/715. Эти три узла обслуживают бóльшую часть русскоязычного фидо (обрати внимание на ударение над буквой "о" :). Список имеющихся у меня х ходит в файлхе XOFCHUBSLST под именем ech01042.zip.


    --- gossipEd-linux/amd64 .0.21-18496a58
    * Origin: Пожилой фидошник (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Michael Dukelsky on Tue Nov 3 23:00:34 2020

    Такого списка нет и вряд ли он возможен, потому что существует много локальных конференций на узлах, в которые люди пишут раз в пять лет, так что они неотличимы от совсем дохлых. Я стараюсь, чтобы на моём узле были все доступные хи. У меня есть практически все русскоязычные, англоязычные, немецкоязычные и испаноязычные. Если я узнаю, что есть ха, которой у меня нет, я стараюсь на неё подписаться. Все хи, появляющиеся на моём узле 2:5020/1042, автоматически создаются на 2:5020/4441 и после того на 2:5020/715. Эти три узла обслуживают бóльшую часть русскоязычного фидо (обрати внимание на ударение над буквой "о" :). Список имеющихся у меня х ходит в файлхе XOFCHUBSLST под именем ech01042.zip.

    У тебя не было идеии создать чего-то на подобии поисковой системы или желтых страниц?

    В целом я вижу, что описания к конференциям вообще очень плохо проработанная тема и у большинства она пустая. Так очень сложно понять о чем конференция вообще.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Друзья на то и существуют, чтобы помогать друг другу (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Zhenja Kaliuta@2:4500/1.59 to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 3 22:13:52 2020
    I wonder is it an international conference?

    On Tue, 03 Nov 2020 23:00:34 +0300 Vitold Sedyshev writes:

    Такого списка нет и вряд ли он возможен, потому что существует
    много локальных конференций на узлах, в которые люди пишут раз в
    пять лет, так что они неотличимы от совсем дохлых. Я стараюсь,
    чтобы на моём узле были все доступные хи. У меня есть практически
    все русскоязычные, англоязычные, немецкоязычные и
    испаноязычные. Если я узнаю, что есть ха, которой у меня нет, я
    стараюсь на неё подписаться. Все хи, появляющиеся на моём узле
    2:5020/1042, автоматически создаются на 2:5020/4441 и после того
    на 2:5020/715. Эти три узла обслуживают бóльшую часть
    русскоязычного фидо (обрати внимание на ударение над буквой "о"
    :). Список имеющихся у меня х ходит в файлхе XOFCHUBSLST под
    именем ech01042.zip.

    У тебя не было идеии создать чего-то на подобии поисковой системы
    или желтых страниц?

    В целом я вижу, что описания к конференциям вообще очень плохо
    проработанная тема и у большинства она пустая. Так очень сложно
    понять о чем конференция вообще.

    --- Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)
    * Origin: Somewhere in the North (2:4500/1.59)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042.3 to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 3 20:54:10 2020
    Hello Vitold Sedyshev!

    03 Nov 20 23:00:34, Vitold Sedyshev wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

    Такого списка нет и вряд ли он возможен, потому что существует много локальных конференций на узлах, в которые люди пишут раз в пять лет, так что они неотличимы от совсем дохлых. Я стараюсь, чтобы на моём узле были все доступные хи. У меня есть практически все русскоязычные, англоязычные, немецкоязычные и испаноязычные. Если я узнаю, что есть ха, которой у меня нет, я стараюсь на неё подписаться. Все хи, появляющиеся на моём узле 2:5020/1042, автоматически создаются на 2:5020/4441 и после того на 2:5020/715. Эти три узла обслуживают бóльшую часть русскоязычного фидо (обрати внимание на ударение над буквой "о" :). Список имеющихся у меня х ходит в файлхе XOFCHUBSLST под именем ech01042.zip.

    В фидо принято цитировать не так. Надо знаки цитирования проставлять в каждой строчке. Тогда цитату легко разбить на части и отвечать на каждую часть по отдельности.

    У тебя не было идеии создать чего-то на подобии поисковой системы или желтых страниц?


    В целом я вижу, что описания к конференциям вообще очень плохо проработанная тема и у большинства
    она пустая.

    Да, то проблема. Не для всех х есть описания. Потому я вообще удалил все описания из своего списка.

    Так очень сложно понять о чем конференция вообще.

    Ты прав.


    --- gossipEd-linux/amd64 .0.21-18496a58
    * Origin: Пожилой фидошник (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042.3 to Zhenja Kaliuta on Tue Nov 3 20:58:14 2020
    Hello Zhenja Kaliuta!

    03 Nov 20 22:13:52, Zhenja Kaliuta wrote to Vitold Sedyshev:

    I wonder is it an international conference?

    Yes, it is. :) But Vitold tests his new editor, that is why we use Russian here. But you are right, it's time to return to English, or maybe RUnglish. :)


    --- gossipEd-linux/amd64 .0.21-18496a58
    * Origin: Пожилой фидошник (2:5020/1042.3)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Zhenja Kaliuta on Wed Nov 4 02:25:02 2020

    I wonder is it an international conference?

    I got answers here earlier in English and I assume that you are right this is an international conference.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Крупное предательство похоже на преданность (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Michael Dukelsky on Wed Nov 4 02:29:16 2020

    В фидо принято цитировать не так. Надо знаки цитирования проставлять в каждой
    строчке. Тогда цитату легко разбить на части и отвечать на каждую часть по

    Мы сейчас обсуждаем тот вопрос в RU.FIDONET.TODAY и как я понял в стандарте FTS-0001 указано, что программа сама должна решать каким образом ей следует оформлять абзац.

    Предлагаю присоединиться к обсуждению и высказать свой голос в пользу строк
    длинной в 80 символов.

    В любом случае то интересный вопрос и предлагаю его обсудить.
    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.15 2020-10-25 18:48 MSK (master)
    * Origin: К друзьям и в несчастье будь неизменен (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Vitold Sedyshev on Sun Nov 8 19:49:58 2020
    Hi Vitold!

    02 Nov 2020 23:12, from Vitold Sedyshev -> Michiel van der Vlist:

    I invite you to meet with GoldenPoint on
    If you have any aditional question please don't hesitate to ask me.

    I tried it out, and like the concept very much ;)

    It adds a CP866 charset kludge.
    Not correct for me ;)

    I managed to send a testmessage from the point to the boss node.
    But at first it did not receive anything.
    I looked at my boss binkd logs and have seen that there was a LOT of stuff waiting for my testpoint.
    I deleted all the files, and retried and it worked.

    Before the received statistics were always 0.

    And it uses IPv6 :)

    PS: Would be cool if you could implement nodelist/pointlist support, so that you can search for names and fill in the addresses automatically.

    Also TZUTC kludge would be nice.

    CU, Ricsi

    ... Follow your dream! Unless it's the one where you're at work naked.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: A classic is a book that is praised but not read. (2:310/31)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Vitold Sedyshev on Sun Nov 8 20:22:48 2020
    Hi Vitold!

    02 Nov 2020 23:12, from Vitold Sedyshev -> Michiel van der Vlist:

    I invite you to meet with GoldenPoint on
    If you have any aditional question please don't hesitate to ask me.

    When I go to Filebox settings I get a 404 error.
    Also I would like to be able to delete files in Fileboxes.

    I have seen that I can change the charset in the area settings (except for netmail).
    Where is the area summary used??

    CU, Ricsi

    ... We must be devious, cunning, inventive... too bad we're us.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Secret negotiations are usually neither. (2:310/31)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31.1 to Richard Menedetter on Sun Nov 8 20:33:51 2020
    Hi Vitold!

    02 Nov 2020 23:12, from Vitold Sedyshev -> Michiel van der Vlist:

    I invite you to meet with GoldenPoint on
    If you have any aditional question please don't hesitate to ask me.

    When I go to Filebox settings I get a 404 error.
    Also I would like to be able to delete files in Fileboxes.

    I have seen that I can change the charset in the area settings (except for netmail).
    Where is the area summary used??

    CU, Ricsi

    ... We must be devious, cunning, inventive... too bad we're us.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Secret negotiations are usually neither. (2:310/31)

    * Origin: https://github.com/vit1251/golden (2:310/31.1)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31.1 to Richard Menedetter on Sun Nov 8 20:34:41 2020
    Hi All

    Testing Golden Point.

    CU, Ricsi
    * Origin: https://github.com/vit1251/golden (2:310/31.1)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31.1 to Richard Menedetter on Sun Nov 8 20:42:37 2020

    Testing Golden Point.

    A Area chat up button would be nice, that marks all messages as read in that area.
    Also it would be nice to have next and previous buttons that jump to the next or previous message in that area.

    CU, Ricsi
    * Origin: https://github.com/vit1251/golden (2:310/31.1)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Richard Menedetter on Mon Nov 9 00:29:15 2020

    I tried it out, and like the concept very much ;)

    It's incredibly good to hear that.

    It adds a CP866 charset kludge.
    Not correct for me ;)

    You may change to UTF-8 in the echo conferencing settings since 1.2.16
    But you right there were a large set of different encodings previously. Cyrrilic chars in CP866 / CP1251 and etc.

    I managed to send a test message from the point to the boss node.
    But at first it did not receive anything.

    We are now discussing the default standard and it becomes FTS-0048 since 1.2.16 Also most people want to manual mailer manage instead auto 5 min. dialing.
    In any case in settings in 1.2.16 it already implemented.

    I looked at my boss binkd logs and have seen that there
    was a LOT of stuff waiting for my testpoint.

    I deleted all the files, and retried and it worked.

    One of the active participants in the development echo conference (i.e. RU.GOLDEN) has download over 60_000 messages. Said that he wait for toss more than 2.5 hours, but I'm not sure about GP is designed for that large message bases. This is a very interesting experience anyway. But I developed it as toys point packet for first steps with FidoNet.

    Before the received statistics were always 0.

    The statistics functionality in GP is poorly tested, but I am sure that over time we will find all the bugs.

    And it uses IPv6 :)

    Unfortunately, the internet today is still a baby compared to FidoNet addressing (IPv8 = u16:u16/u16.u16) 😂

    PS: Would be cool if you could implement nodelist/pointlist support,
    so that you can search for names and fill in the addresses automatically.

    It shouldn't be difficult. The big challenge is to write correct JavaScript and implement UI interactivity with views.

    Also TZUTC kludge would be nice.

    Since 1.2.16 already implemented. But right now BOSS and point may in different one Zone and it is another one challange.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Richard Menedetter on Mon Nov 9 00:39:30 2020
    If you have any aditional question please don't hesitate to ask me.

    When I go to Filebox settings I get a 404 error.

    Hmm... Could you please see *debug.log* about error? I may assume that wrong directory but you may wait 1.2.16. Since 1.2.16 no more directory setup and use smart directory searching.

    Also I would like to be able to delete files in Fileboxes.

    Register at https://github.com/vit1251/golden/issues/103

    You may watch progress at https://github.com/vit1251/golden/projects/6

    I have seen that I can change the charset in the area
    settings (except for netmail).

    Yep. NETMAIL right now does not have settings.
    I think should be fix it.

    Register as https://github.com/vit1251/golden/issues/104

    Where is the area summary used?

    I think in "/echo" address you may see summary in 2-th column.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Richard Menedetter on Mon Nov 9 00:43:53 2020
    Testing Golden Point.

    A Area chat up button would be nice, that marks all messages as read in that area.

    Register at https://github.com/vit1251/golden/issues/105

    Also it would be nice to have next and previous buttons that jump to the next or previous message in that area.

    Next or previous message depend from order but right now order is not implement yet.
    This feature coming little later ;(

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/360 to Vitold Sedyshev on Mon Nov 9 01:17:39 2020
    On 08/11/2020 5:29 p.m., Vitold Sedyshev : Richard Menedetter wrote:

    I tried it out, and like the concept very much ;)

    It's incredibly good to hear that.


    ..This is a very interesting experience anyway. But I developed> it as toys point packet for first steps with FidoNet.

    Any screenshots on what this golden baby looks like?

    --- TB(Stealth)/Win7
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to August Abolins on Mon Nov 9 11:10:11 2020

    Any screenshots on what this golden baby looks like?

    You may watch review video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzgrGuEMzVY

    But video over 1.2.10 version (i.e. 6 versions ago) and you may
    change language of subtitles to English for understand what I talk about.

    I received a lot of abuse comment about the video reviews. I actually found short video review to be very helpful, but most people prefer to see text documents, so I get small pause with recording video reviews.

    If the video review found its own conumers, then I will resume recording reviews.
    But now it directly depends on the feedbacks.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Oli@2:280/464.47 to Vitold Sedyshev on Mon Nov 9 12:04:08 2020
    Vitold wrote (2020-11-08):

    I managed to send a test message from the point to the boss node.
    But at first it did not receive anything.

    We are now discussing the default standard and it becomes FTS-0048 since 1.2.16 Also most people want to manual mailer manage instead auto 5 min. dialing. In any case in settings in 1.2.16 it already implemented.

    FSC-0048 is mostly useless nowadays and only adds complexity. Practically every tosser supports FSC-0039, the compatibility thing is a non-issue. And there are only very few tossers that support FSC-0048. FSC-0045 would make more sense, because it supports domains too (but it's also not really an issue).

    Btw, it's an FSC not an FTS.

    * Origin: (2:280/464.47)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Oli on Mon Nov 9 19:25:48 2020

    FSC-0048 is mostly useless nowadays and only adds complexity.

    You right. Using auxNet and check magic value 65535 and check origPoint != 0
    it look like some kind of data hacks.

    Practically every tosser supports FSC-0039

    I start write source code with idea about implementing PKTv3 packets but no nodes with supports in Russia zone as I know.

    I debugging GP source code with make checks with "Parma Tosser" and review Parma source code I make compatible GP with my BOSS node. I assume Parma Tosser compatible with
    FSC-0001, FSC-0048 and FSC-0045 bases on my source code vision.

    I also have another one point address on 5030/1081 node. Here an extremely strange case with crash Husky Tosser (HPT) on the 39th proposal occurred and we research with BOSS this incendent and did not understand what it was refered with, so for now I am switch on using the 48th proposals.

    So it is at now very difficult to understand and there is a danger of losing data about the zone and point by returning back on FSC-0001 compatible mode.

    I do not exclude the possibility of using the 39th version of the proposal in the future, but I need to make sure that this will work with my nodes.

    In any case, increasing count requests about support some feature is increase chance of select one specific implementation in favor of another.

    Btw, it's an FSC not an FTS.

    You right. It would be convenient to have a standard that would support
    every tosser to support one single same coding scheme.

    I review ASCII version of PKTv3 format with the text data representation,
    since there is less bit field hacks, but as far as I understand today, there are no tossers with this coding scheme support.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Oli@2:280/464.47 to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 10 18:34:13 2020
    Vitold wrote (2020-11-09):

    I do not exclude the possibility of using the 39th version of the
    proposal in the future, but I need to make sure that this will work with my nodes.

    In any case, increasing count requests about support some feature is increase chance of select one specific implementation in favor of another.

    Btw, it's an FSC not an FTS.

    You right. It would be convenient to have a standard that would support every tosser to support one single same coding scheme.

    I compiled a list of the supported packet formats for popular tossers 4 years ago. I don't know if anything has changed since then and it might be not 100% accurate, but it looks like FSC-0039 is the standard that most tossers use for outbound packets and that every tosser can read.

    | Name | Read | Write | |-------------------|------------|--------|
    | Crashmail (Amiga) | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Crashmail II | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Daydream BBS | 39, 48 | 48 |
    | FastEcho | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Fidogate | 39 | 39 |
    | FMail | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | GEcho | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Husky hpt | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | ifmail | 39 | 39 |
    | LoraBBS | 39, 45 | 39 |
    | MBSE | 39 | 39 |
    | Mystic | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | OpenXP | 39 | 39 |
    | SBBSecho | 39, 45, 48 | 45, 48 |
    | Soupgate | 39 | 39 |
    | Squish | 39 | 39 |
    | Watergate | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | WWIV BBS v5 | 39 | 39 |

    I review ASCII version of PKTv3 format with the text data representation, since there is less bit field hacks, but as far as I understand today, there are no tossers with this coding scheme support.

    I don't know any tosser that support PKTv3. If there is a need for a better packet format, I would start with a new proposal for a sane binary format. ASCII formats are usually harder to parse than a clean binary format.

    I guess it would be better to discuss stuff like this in NET_DEV.

    * Origin: (2:280/464.47)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Oli on Wed Nov 11 02:30:05 2020
    Oli wrote:

    I compiled a list of the supported packet formats for popular tossers 4 years ago.
    I don't know if anything has changed since then and it might be not 100% accurate,
    but it looks like FSC-0039 is the standard that most tossers use for outbound
    packets and that every tosser can read.

    | Name | Read | Write | |-------------------|------------|--------|
    | Crashmail (Amiga) | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Crashmail II | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Daydream BBS | 39, 48 | 48 |
    | FastEcho | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Fidogate | 39 | 39 |
    | FMail | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | GEcho | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Husky hpt | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | ifmail | 39 | 39 |
    | LoraBBS | 39, 45 | 39 |
    | MBSE | 39 | 39 |
    | Mystic | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | OpenXP | 39 | 39 |
    | SBBSecho | 39, 45, 48 | 45, 48 |
    | Soupgate | 39 | 39 |
    | Squish | 39 | 39 |
    | Watergate | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | WWIV BBS v5 | 39 | 39 |

    It look like 39-th proposal most popular than each other.
    I think that I should come back on 39-th proposal.

    But it may take a few days or even week to revert code back
    and perform "Parma Tosser" compatibility checks.

    Also I will check with HPT. If some one can help me with
    checks on another one tossers it will be awsome.

    I don't know any tosser that support PKTv3.
    ASCII formats are usually harder to parse than a clean binary format.

    Right now I complete TIC build/parse in 1.2.16 and found it well debugging
    and well human readable. It good advantage on debugging of course ;)

    I think ASCII format may by well designed and does not harder than binary.
    I assume binary provide speed and memory advantages.

    I guess it would be better to discuss stuff like this in NET_DEV.

    I already got caught up in the poisonous debate at RU.FIDONET.TODAY

    I propose make screencast video reviews on GP instead write documentation and announced idea replace UUE image in place. As a result, I lost my home time, review thausend reasons use or avoid to use this features and ruined my mood.

    I am sure many people will find hundreds of reasons to use or escape use various
    feature and packing structure scheme and I want to avoid participating in such debates. I does not see essential complexity for consumers and see increase accidental complexity instead.

    I see in your statistics report that most tosser system already use 39-th proposal and by compatible reason I will implement it.

    P.S. May I mention your name “Oli” in the Golden Point contributors list
    as thanks for clarification of the most popular standards for me?

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Oli on Wed Nov 11 18:51:46 2020

    I compiled a list of the supported packet formats for popular tossers ...

    | Name | Read | Write | |-------------------|------------|--------|
    | Crashmail (Amiga) | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Crashmail II | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Daydream BBS | 39, 48 | 48 |
    | FastEcho | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Fidogate | 39 | 39 |
    | FMail | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | GEcho | 39, 45, 48 | 39 |
    | Husky hpt | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | ifmail | 39 | 39 |
    | LoraBBS | 39, 45 | 39 |
    | MBSE | 39 | 39 |
    | Mystic | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | OpenXP | 39 | 39 |
    | SBBSecho | 39, 45, 48 | 45, 48 |
    | Soupgate | 39 | 39 |
    | Squish | 39 | 39 |
    | Watergate | 39, 48 | 39 |
    | WWIV BBS v5 | 39 | 39 |

    Night version of Golden Point switch back on FTS-0039.

    I check complete on Partoss and HPT.


    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Vitold Sedyshev on Sat Nov 14 11:35:52 2020
    Hi Vitold!

    09 Nov 2020 00:39, from Vitold Sedyshev -> Richard Menedetter:

    When I go to Filebox settings I get a 404 error.
    Hmm... Could you please see *debug.log* about error? I may assume that wrong directory but you may wait 1.2.16. Since 1.2.16 no more
    directory setup and use smart directory searching.

    1.2.16 works

    PS: Could you change this "Mailer interval".
    Either add (minutes) or even better change to "Polling interval in minutes"

    Also I would like to be able to delete files in Fileboxes.

    Works in 1.2.16

    Tree view if echomail seems not to work.
    I had a look at this echo, and it shows all messages on the same level.

    When I try to view a file from a filebox, I get this error:
    Fail on open source C:\Users\ricsi\Fido\Files\Z2PNT\Z2PNT.Z18
    turns out the correct directory would be FileBox instead of Files. (Files exists but is empty.)

    PS: You could make Golden Point on the home screen a link to the Github project.

    CU, Ricsi

    ... Patience is the ability to put up with people you'd like to put down.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Question authority ... ask me anything. (2:310/31)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Richard Menedetter on Sun Nov 15 01:39:05 2020

    Richard wrote:

    Could you change this "Mailer interval".
    Either add (minutes) or even better change to "Polling interval in minutes"

    Fixed. You may get it in the nightly version or in the next build 1.2.17

    Tree view if echomail seems not to work.
    I had a look at this echo, and it shows all messages on the same level.

    Hmmm... Do you use last night's version or 1.2.16 release?
    My UTF-8 message trees at https://imgur.com/a/lZwMagv

    Fail on open source C:\Users\ricsi\Fido\Files\Z2PNT\Z2PNT.Z18
    turns out the correct directory would be FileBox instead of Files. (Files exists but is empty.)

    Hmmm. It looks like a bug. At 1.2.15 I create in database path for FileBox on the variable name FileBox and use it for FileEcho now I use "Files" instead.

    Could you please rename (move all file inside) "FileBox" into "Files".

    I have no plan right now to implement FileBox.

    You could make Golden Point on the home screen a link to the Github project.

    Great idea. Why not. I do it in 1.2.17 version.

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.16 2020-11-03 23:07 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Если дружишь с хромым, сам начинаешь прихрамывать (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Vitold Sedyshev on Sun Nov 15 12:03:36 2020
    Hi Vitold!

    15 Nov 2020 01:39, from Vitold Sedyshev -> Richard Menedetter:

    Tree view if echomail seems not to work.
    I had a look at this echo, and it shows all messages on the same
    Hmmm... Do you use last night's version or 1.2.16 release?
    My UTF-8 message trees at https://imgur.com/a/lZwMagv

    Yes ... I was using it.
    Now it DOES work.
    Before it was completely flar, now it is a tree.
    Maybe I used it before the first new toss with 1.2.16??
    Anyway, works now, thanx!

    CU, Ricsi

    ... I have a lot of faith in the sterilizing effect of deep frying.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere. (2:310/31)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Vitold Sedyshev on Sun Nov 15 12:08:44 2020
    Hi Vitold!

    15 Nov 2020 01:39, from Vitold Sedyshev -> Richard Menedetter:

    Forgot something:

    Could you please rename (move all file inside) "FileBox" into "Files".

    Works now.
    You might rename the menu entry from filebox to files too.

    Also it would be nice if there were 2 new setup options.
    1 for the default charset (that can be overwritten later per echo)
    and 1 for the TZUTC kludge.

    CU, Ricsi

    ... You're not making any sense; is it time for your medication or mine?
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Go to bed. You have done enough damage today. (2:310/31)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Richard Menedetter on Sun Nov 15 14:46:46 2020

    Richard wrote:

    Tree view if echomail seems not to work.
    My UTF-8 message trees at https://imgur.com/a/lZwMagv
    Maybe I used it before the first new toss with 1.2.16?

    Yep. It looks like your database populate by pre-release 1.2.16
    without msgReply parsing. Since some commit in 1.2.16 it starts
    processing and populating.

    Anyway, works now, thanx!


    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.17 2020-11-15 01:46 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Самый надежный друг - это мое любимое дело (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Vitold Sedyshev@2:5030/1081.102 to Richard Menedetter on Sun Nov 15 14:57:54 2020

    Could you please rename (move all file inside) "FileBox" into "Files".
    Works now.


    You might rename the menu entry from filebox to files too.

    Oh, exactly. Renamed right now.

    Also it would be nice if there were 2 new setup options.

    1 for the default charset (that can be overwritten later per echo)
    and 1 for the TZUTC kludge.

    1. https://github.com/vit1251/golden/issues/113
    2. https://github.com/vit1251/golden/issues/114

    --- Golden/Windows-amd64 1.2.17 2020-11-15 01:46 MSK (master)
    * Origin: Самый надежный друг - это мое любимое дело (2:5030/1081.102)
  • From Rob Swindell@1:103/705 to Oli on Tue Nov 10 20:46:02 2020
    Re: Golden Point
    By: Oli to Vitold Sedyshev on Tue Nov 10 2020 06:34 pm

    | SBBSecho | 39, 45, 48 | 45, 48 |

    Probably changed since (and perhaps inspired by) your evaluation/list, SBBSecho supports reading and writing FTN packets of type:
    2 (FTS-1)
    2e (FSC-39)
    2+ (FSC-48)
    2.2 (FSC-45)

    For details on the differences, http://wiki.synchro.net/ref:fidonet_packets
    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #24:
    Karl: Kaiser blade. I hit my mother upside the head with it. Mmm... Killed her. Norco, CA WX: 53.0F, 44.0% humidity, 1 mph SSE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)