• RC13 Vote

    From Michael Luko@1:266/512 to Election Coordinator on Sat Nov 25 17:37:00 2017
    After gathering feedback from the sysops of Region 13, I cast my
    vote based on the feedback received.

    | Name | Node nr | Yes| No |
    | | | | |
    | Torsten Bamberg | 2:240/5832 | x | |
    | RJ Clay | 1:120/544 | x | |
    | Sean Dennis | 1:18/200 | x | |
    | Bjorn Felten | 2:203/2 | x | |
    | Dallas Hinton | 1:153/715 | x | |
    | Mark Hofmann | 1:261/1304 | x | |
    | Markus Reschke | 2:240/1661 | x | |
    | Alexey Vissarionov | 2:5020/545 | | x |
    | Michiel van der Vlist| 2:280/5555 | | x |

    Michael Luko

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.dtdns.net 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)
  • From Election Coordinator@2:2/20 to Michael Luko on Sun Nov 26 00:16:51 2017
    Hello Michael,

    On Saturday November 25 2017 17:37, you wrote to me:

    | Name | Node nr | Yes| No |
    | | | | |
    | Torsten Bamberg | 2:240/5832 | x | |
    | RJ Clay | 1:120/544 | x | |
    | Sean Dennis | 1:18/200 | x | |
    | Bjorn Felten | 2:203/2 | x | |
    | Dallas Hinton | 1:153/715 | x | |
    | Mark Hofmann | 1:261/1304 | x | |
    | Markus Reschke | 2:240/1661 | x | |
    | Alexey Vissarionov | 2:5020/545 | | x |
    | Michiel van der Vlist| 2:280/5555 | | x |


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:2/20)