Gary McCulloch@1:154/50 to
All on Fri Mar 27 16:26:04 2020
SE BRUSH (BLIT) ESC [ 7 ; a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h !
A = upper-left X coord. of the source bitmap
B = upper-left Y coord. of the source bitmap
The above two will usually be 0. HOWEVER, you can use these to blit
parts of a brush to the screen.
C = upper-left X coord. of the destination (the screen X coord.)
D = upper-left Y coord. of the destination (the screen Y coord.)
E = horizontal (X) size of brush
F = vertical (Y) size of brush
G = MINTERM to be supplied to the blitter (commonly 192)
H = MASK to be supplied to the blitter (commonly 255)
The above commands blit what is in the brush buffer (following a
CRC Transfer or a GRAB BRUSH command) - if no brush is found, the
command aborts.
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
Command #8
8 - MOVE PEN ESC [ 8 ; x ; y !
(Move the drawing pen to X,Y - NOT the cursor)
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
Command #9
9 - PLAY SAMPLE ESC [ 9 ; a ; b ; c ; d !
(Plays a simple sample. A is the "speed" of the sample, B is the
starting point in bytes, C is the ending point in bytes, and D is the
number of loops to perform)
NOTE: Parameters A-C are not yet implemented.
SPINY'S NOTE: As of C-Net version 2.63, SkySound is not yet
implemented. Hopefully it will be added by the developers in the
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
10- SET FONT ESC [ 10 ; y ! fontname.font !
(Y is the size of the font, and fontname is the name of the font - the
font must be in the fonts: directory of both the BBS and the Remote
user for this command to work!)
SPINY'S NOTE: It's wise to stick to just the basic 7 Workbench fonts,
since you know everyone will have them available on their system disk.
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
11- NEW PALETTE ESC [ 11 ; c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; ... ; c15 ; c16 !
Sets the palette to the sixteen colours C1-C16 [you must enter all 16
colours even if you are just in 8-colour mode!] The parameters C1-C16
are decimal numbers arrived at in the following way:
Take a grey, for instance, whose R-G-B value is 12-12-12. Then convert
that to C-C-C (since 12 is hex $0C). Now take the hex number CCC and
convert back into Decimal, which gives you 3276.
NOTE: Unless you are a massochist, I'd suggest using SKYPAINT since it
does all of the above automatically. Even if you just need to set the
palette, load up SKYPAINT and begin recording, go to the palette screen
and set it to what you want, then end recording. You can then look at
the tiny file you created and tell what ESC [ 11 command is needed in
your final project.
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
Resets to the SkyPix standard palette, which is
R G B | R G B | R G B | R G B
0 = 00 00 00 | 4 = 00 15 01 | 8 = 00 11 06 | 12 = 00 00 15
1 = 01 01 15 | 5 = 03 10 15 | 9 = 00 13 13 | 13 = 07 00 15
2 = 13 13 13 | 6 = 15 15 02 | 10 = 00 10 15 | 14 = 12 00 14
3 = 15 00 00 | 7 = 12 00 14 | 11 = 00 07 12 | 15 = 12 00 08
This would have the same effect as entering:
ESC [ 11 ; 0 ; 287 ; 3549 ; 3840 ; 241 ; 943 ; 4082 ; 3086 ; 182 ;
221 ; 175 ; 124 ; 15 ; 1807 ; 3086 ; 3080 !
[See also Command #15 for info on the default palette]
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
13- FILLED ELLIPSE ESC [ 13 ; x ; y ; a ; b !
(Same as standard Ellipse [Command #5], except this one is filled-in)
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
14- DELAY (PAUSE) ESC [ 14 ; a !
(A is a value in jiffies [60ths of a second])
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
15- SET COLOUR OF PEN A ESC [ 15 ; a !
Sets Pen A to colour a, where a is one of the following (assumes
default palette)
0 = black 4 = bright green 8 = dark green 12 = dark blue 2
1 = dark blue 1 5 = med. blue 1 9 = cyan 13 = indigo
2 = white 6 = yellow 10 = med. blue 2 14 = violet 2
3 = bright red 7 = violet 1 11 = grey-blue 15 = magenta
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
16- CRC XMODEM TRANSFER ESC [ 16 ; m ; a ; b ! filename !
Files will be sent to whichever directory BRU: is assigned.
M (MODE) 1 = IFF Brush
2 = IFF Sound Sample
3 = FutureSound Sample
20 = General Purpose (saves to default dir.)
A & B are the X and Y size of the IFF brush, if that is what is being
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
M is 1 for a 3-bitplane display (first 8 colours) or 2 for a 4-bitplane
display (all 16 colours allowed). Note that if M is 1, then the second
8 colours (see Command #15) are disabled.
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
18- SET B PEN ESC [ 18 ; b !
(Sets background pen to colour B [see Command #15] - this is useful
for allowing ANSI commands to access more colours)
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
19- POSITION CURSOR ESC [ 19 ; x ; y !
(Moves text cursor to X,Y. Does NOT affect the position of the
drawing pen)
NOTE: This is not the same as ESC [ [n] ; [m] H. In this case x and y
refer to pixels on the screen and not to rows and columns of text.
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
Command #21
21- CONTROLLER RETURN ESC [ 21 ; c ; x ; y !
(This is SENT from the terminal every time a controller is activated -
c=1 for left button mouse click at coord. x,y ;
c=2 for menu selection [x is the menu item #, y is ignored])
SPINY'S NOTE: Due to a bug in JR-COMM 1.02 (which was fixed in 1.02a),
the ESC code is not sent with this command. This should be taken into
consideration when adding mouse control to your own applications.
Next Command 'SkyPix Commands' Menu Table of Contents
Command #22
22- DEFINE A SKYPIX GADGET ESC [ 22 ; n ; c ; x1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 !
(N is the gadget # (1-20), C is the command # associated with it; X1,Y1
defines the top left corner and X2,Y2 the lower right. The gadget
appears in the colour of Pen A [see Command #15])
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#### P E C I A L N O T E S 03/10/2020
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Today there is only one Terminal Program that supports Skypix
Graphics. [JR-Comm v1.02a] A good programmer can add this to a moden term.
There are two known Bulletin Board Systems that currently use Skypix
Graphics. There will be and can be many more if this Hyper Style ANSI is
added to todays Terminal Programs. These boards are...
-X-caliper BBS
Reign of Fire BBS
-Spitfire Inc presents 3 Unique Systems...
Reign of Fire C-Net Amiga Pro BETA System.
Reign of Fire II C-Net DS-2 BETA System.
Reign of Fire III C-Net Amiga Pro v3.05g.
* C-Net/5
* Origin: * (1:154/50)