• Ressurection was:Macintosh echo

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to Drew Klenotic on Tue Mar 21 06:54:38 2017
    Drew Klenotic wrote to Dave Drum <=-

    I'll have to dig it back out of the pile and look. IIRC it was either three or five. I mentioned it at my last Unix club meeting and
    Fearless Leader began salivating. He's ressurecting a Burroughs B-20 mini-frame and may bring back Springfield's first ever multi-line
    dial-up BBS that he wrote in 1981. Bv)=

    TBH - it probably won't happen unless he can update the arcnet to
    ethernet and whore-up a method for telnet access rather that
    exclusively dial-up modems. But it was fun to speculate about at the meeting, And it sure used up a lot of pizza and beverage.

    Tell him to look into Lantronix boxes. If he wants to go Fidonet and
    call out, he'll want an MSS-100 otherwise a UDS-10 or 1100 should do
    fine (the MSS-100 will do dns resolution, so you can do ATDT bbs.sfhqbbs.org:5983 and it will connect... otherwise with the UDS
    models, you'd have to know the IP and do the ATDT with that). That's
    the best way to get old school stuff that wants to talk to a modem with telnet. The Lantronix boxes can be found on ebay fairly cheap and
    their modem emulation mode has brought lots of old school systems to
    life (including mine).

    If you think that would help him, feel free to forward him to my BBS or the fourms at www.atariage.com (there is a sticky thread in the Atari 8-bit section on BBS's which covers this, or he can just leave a
    message there and the other sysops and I would be happy to help him).

    The bringing back to life of the Burroughs will happen. I'm not sure on the BBS. But your mention of Lantronic gave me a thought ..... about my Amiga boxes. I still wouldn't have a decent browser but heck, life isn't all about the interweb anyway. And I might get inspired to clean the rust off of my feeble programming skills to port a *nix browser to the Amiga OS. Amiga Dos is very Unix-like anyway.

    Anyway, thanx for the advice - which I will forward on to Lee.

    ... MS-DOS=Christianity; Mac=Bhuddism; Amiga=Pagan sex magick
    --- MultiMail/Win32
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)
  • From Drew Klenotic@1:2215/1701 to Dave Drum on Wed Mar 22 17:39:28 2017
    On 21 Mar 17 06:54:38 Dave Drum wrote...

    The bringing back to life of the Burroughs will happen. I'm not sure
    on the BBS. But your mention of Lantronic gave me a thought .....
    about my Amiga boxes. I still wouldn't have a decent browser but
    heck, life isn't all about the interweb anyway. And I might get
    inspired to clean the rust off of my feeble programming skills to
    port a *nix browser to the Amiga OS. Amiga Dos is very Unix-like

    Anyway, thanx for the advice - which I will forward on to Lee.

    ... MS-DOS=Christianity; Mac=Bhuddism; Amiga=Pagan sex magick --- MultiMail/Win32 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)

    To which Drew Klenotic replies...

    The Amiga doesn't have a web browser? The Atari ST has a few actually.

    The Lantronix boxes would work fine on the Amiga to replace anything
    that's expecting to talk to a modem (you might be able to do other things
    with it using a raw connection or by getting creative but most people I
    know use the modem emulation mode).

    --- RATSoft/FIDO v09.14.95 [JetMail 1.01]
    * Origin: STar Fleet HQ - Atari BBS Running RatSoft ST! bbs.sfhqbbs.org:5983 (1:2215/1701.0)
  • From Janne Johansson@2:221/6 to Dave Drum on Tue Mar 28 11:56:46 2017
    On 2017-03-21 11:54, Dave Drum : Drew Klenotic wrote:

    The bringing back to life of the Burroughs will happen. I'm not sure on the BBS. But your mention of Lantronic gave me a thought ..... about my Amiga boxes. I still wouldn't have a decent browser but heck, life isn't all
    the interweb anyway. And I might get inspired to clean the rust off of my feeble programming skills to port a *nix browser to the Amiga OS. Amiga
    Dos is
    very Unix-like anyway.

    I think you would be amazed on how much trickery modern (even
    non-graphical ones) browsers do just to support some simple level of
    javascript support, so don't expect any quick wins in porting stuff over
    just because it feels unixlike at times. I do agree it is in some
    regards, but other stuff is just tough to handle when porting.

    Stuff like "hey, we have unlimited stack so lets just brk() like crazy"
    or "Javascript engine asks for 1G ram upfront for the JIT conversion and
    hopes the OS wont map in pages we don't touch", or being able to send
    file descriptors around, having sockets and files use identical
    interfaces and so on. All of those "assumptions" get kinda hard to move
    over to non-unix OSes, especielly if someone decides to use some
    fancy-pants C11 language features in some odd part like xml decoding or
    so and your compiler just wont eat that.

    Then again, ixemul and other stuff helps out a lot, but .. bumpy ride it

    * Origin: *** nntp://fidonews.mine.nu *** Finland *** (2:221/6.0)