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/ / \ / NET
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piNET is a fidonet style network dedicated to the Raspberry Pi. piNET is a brand new network so all are welcome to join.
For more info yoy may telnet to Necronomicon BBS: necrobbs.strangled.net or bbs.necrobbs.net on port 23.
Application is easy, just fill out this short form, rename it to your BBSID
and email it to
necromaster@necrobbs.net Or you can send it in feedback to Necromaster on Necronomicon BBS.
.......Real Name:
........BBS Name:
....BBS Software:
.BBS Telnet/Port:
...Email Address:
...BinkD Address:
......BinkD Port:
(All passwords for Areafix/TIC/Session will be the same and must be all capital letters!)
Packer (ZIP ONLY)
MD5 On or Off? [ ] on [ ] off
Thank you for applying, You should get a response back within a couple of
hours after submitting your application.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A42 (Windows/64)
* Origin: Necronomicon BBS - necrobbs.strangled.net (719:508/1)